New u-blox GPS Module - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

New u-blox GPS Module


u-blox AG has announced the launch of a miniature GPS module designed for high volume, mass-market applications that require fast, accurate positioning at a low cost.

The NEO-5Q is a stand-alone GPS module in a 12 x 16 x 2.4–millimeter package. Its ROM-based architecture does not require an external Flash EPROM.

u-blox AG has announced the launch of a miniature GPS module designed for high volume, mass-market applications that require fast, accurate positioning at a low cost.

The NEO-5Q is a stand-alone GPS module in a 12 x 16 x 2.4–millimeter package. Its ROM-based architecture does not require an external Flash EPROM.

Based on the Swiss company’s fifth-generation positioning engine, u-blox 5, the module features an engine with 50 channels and more than one million correlators capable of simultaneously tracking GPS and GALILEO signals. The NEO-5Q GPS module also includes u-blox’s new KickStart rapid, weak-signal acquisition technology.

The module’s serial peripheral interface (SPI) enables an external serial E2PROM to store unlimited start-up configuration settings, providing an alternative to the traditional boot-time configuration pins, according to u-blox.

Meanwhile, the company has announced that BG T&A, a Korean manufacturer of speed camera and radar detection equipment, has launched its new-generation product, the Sapphire, using the LEA-5S GPS module.

The Sapphire uses Enigma, a comprehensive speed camera database available. As new speed cameras are installed, they appear live on the Enigma database within 48 hours. Users can download the new data 24/7, according to the company, providing users with up-to-date coverage of most of Europe, including accident black spots, mobile laser sites and high-risk zones.
