Marie-Laure Boucheret - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Marie-Laure Boucheret

Marie-Laure Boucheret received the electrical engineering degree from ENST Bretagne and a Ph.D. degree in communications from TELECOM ParisTech.

She has been a successful research engineer at the French Philips Research Laboratory (1985–1986), engineer at Thales Alenia Space in telecommunication and transmission (1986–1991), associated professor then a Professor at TELECOM ParisTech (1991–2005).

Marie-Laure Boucheret received the electrical engineering degree from ENST Bretagne and a Ph.D. degree in communications from TELECOM ParisTech.

She has been a successful research engineer at the French Philips Research Laboratory (1985–1986), engineer at Thales Alenia Space in telecommunication and transmission (1986–1991), associated professor then a Professor at TELECOM ParisTech (1991–2005).

Since 2005, Boucheret has been a Professor at the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (ENSEEIHT – University of Toulouse). She is also with the Signal and Communication group of the IRIT Laboratory.

Her main research interests include design of modulation and coding schemes for satellite communications, and algorithms and architecture of digital receivers.
