European Navigation Conference - ENC-GNSS 2009 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

European Navigation Conference – ENC-GNSS 2009

The European Navigation Conference 2009 is now underway at Parthenope University in Naples, Italy.

In the opening session on Monday, May 4, the chief engineer for the GPS Wing told the audience that the new L5 demonstration signal transmitted by GPS IIR-20(M) had been experiencing problems and apparently interfering with L1 and L2 legacy signals. Lt. Col. David Goldstein said the Air Force will not launch any more satellites until the cause has been discovered and fixed. 

The European Navigation Conference 2009 is now underway at Parthenope University in Naples, Italy.

In the opening session on Monday, May 4, the chief engineer for the GPS Wing told the audience that the new L5 demonstration signal transmitted by GPS IIR-20(M) had been experiencing problems and apparently interfering with L1 and L2 legacy signals. Lt. Col. David Goldstein said the Air Force will not launch any more satellites until the cause has been discovered and fixed. 

The 2009 conference theme is "Applications and Services." The conference offers news and information about satellite, ground segment and user segment technologies of the global navigation satellite system. Topics of the plenary sessions are: Status of the major
GNSSes, Economicresults from public investments and Emerging GNSS
applications and services.

The European Group of Institutes of Navigation (EUGIN) organizes an annual European Navigation Conference – Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ENC-GNSS), which is hosted by a different EUGIN country member every year. This year ENC-GNSS is hosted by the Italian Institute of Navigation (IIN). 

The technical program committee chair is Giorgio Perrotta, of the Italian Institute of Navigation (IIN)
